Please please please...we need male writers and female writers of all types....we need literature and memoire and essay and poetry that shares the stories of life, the ugliness and the beauty, the challenge and the perseverance....and we need it to be real and not to conform to a certain view....reading helps us to understand the world and if we can only read a preferred viewpoint, we will never come close to understanding the real complexity of the world around us....

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Absolutely. I just finished reading Jennette McCurdy's "I'm Glad My Mom Died." Someone lent it to me, insisting I read it. Never thought I would be interested in the messed up biography of a former Disney child star but hey, be open to new voices like you said!

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I can’t tell you how much I love this article. I did not grow up reading, and I don’t remember anyone in my family reading either; but now that we have our own (4) kids we’re trying to establish a culture of reading great books. We have one TV that’s rarely used and a beautiful library. If I don’t know where a kid is I usually find them curled up somewhere with a book and it makes me very happy. Do you have any other tips on how to establish such a culture? Especially for those with young kids?

Thank you again!!

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Much appreciated <tips hat>. Unfortunately I don't have children myself so I can't give advice on those readers in particular. But it sounds like you have a great start on making readers! One thing I used to do, and really should again, is arrange for public "silent reading" gatherings. We would meet in a public space, like Union Station in Denver, and sit down and read silently together for an hour. It was interesting to see the reactions of people passing by. Maybe adopting something like that for kid readers?

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