May 7Liked by Chesterton's Fence

Another problem with the platinum rule is that it can make you an enabler in someone else's delusion. The classic example being someone who thinks themselves as a reincarnated Napoleon but these days there are plenty of other cases thrust upon us. Sure it is generally good manners to treat someone in a way that doesn't insult them, but sometimes you need to be the child explaining that the emperor is butt naked and really doesn't look good in his birthday suit

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Very good point. You don't want to end up enabling anything destructive or just plain loony. It's difficult to pivot back to a healthy response after you start down that road

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“The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches” Matthew 13:31-32.

Right prior to this Jesus explains how when the seed of God’s Word is sown on the path , the birds come and snatch away the seed. Richard Dawkins is one of those birds who wants to perch in the branches of the glorious civilization Christendom has built, but wants to snatch away the seed when he sees it being sown anew. In other words, a parasite to the culture of beauty and Truth. You cant have it both ways buddy

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Well done. “At best they were all Ned Flanders” made me LOL. Very true about how GKC cajoles rather than hunts. I’m a fellow fan of his.

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That said, if you have a distorted sense of what's good for you, the golden rule by itself could lead to issues. That's why the Bible supplements it with Jesus saying, love others as I have loved you. And the New Testament letters echo this many times.

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